Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Computer Chaos?

I was listening to Radio 4 (as I so often do) and heard somebody saying that research had demonstrated that successful and productive people had tidy desks. Untidy desks were likely to be associated with lack of productivity and general uselessness (I don't think that is the phrase he used, but it was clearly what he meant). I pondered this. What did this say about me, if anything, and could the research be flawed?

I have, now, to confess that every desk at which I sit is a tip. Currently, I have three desks: home, job 1 and job 2. Job 2 is a hot desk, so is reasonably tidy. The others are atrocious. The desk for Job 1 is covered in papers, most of them with scribbled notes. I know what they mean, and the issues get dealt with in order. If I walk under a bus, nobody else will have a clue.

My desk at home is a totally different affair. There are few papers, but there are pens, and scissors, and treat bags for Molly, and calling cards, and forgotten gifts, and post-it notes, and stamps waiting to go to charity, and abandoned phones, and wires, and CDs, and, and, and. In other words, total chaos, which Molly adores and plays with, thus making the confusion worse.

'QED' I hear you cry. But it is not so. The reality is, that I can always find everything on my desk. It is clear to me why things are where they are and I have no difficulty. This is NOT the case with my computer files. Here, I have been careful: everything is organised, tagged, filed in the right place - AND I CAN NEVER FIND THE ONE I WANT!!!! Perhaps I ought to try chaos in the computer files as an alternative? Has anybody else tried that?

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