Could it be a generation thing? It seems very likely. My brother is three and a half years younger than me, yet that was a very significant three and a half years. We both did 'O'-levels, yet he did considerably more Maths than I did, and even, I seem to remember, some computing. Now, even allowing for the differences between boys' schools and girls' schools (and they were considerable in the seventies) this must mean that they had a different syllabus to cover. The change must have come about then.
What form does my uselessness take? Well, that is a very interesting question, because I don't really know. The reality is, that no matter how many times my beloved, and very patient, brother sets things up for me, very rapidly things go downhill: back-ups don't happen properly; I lose access to my music folder; Spotify tells me that I no longer have access etc. etc. And all this without, I assure you, me having changed a single setting. I wouldn't be that foolish. Somehow, the computer recognises that it has an idiot to deal with, and promptly sets out to do mischief.
Now, before you put me down as a total fruit cake, of course I know that computers do not actually think, and that therefore this is not what is happening, but the facts are entirely as I have described them i.e. my brother sorts it out, it comes back to me, all is well for a while, then everything goes wrong for no apparent reason. Just to add to the confusion, this also happens at work, where I do not have administrator rights (well at one place anyway). The boffins there are completely mystified as to how things can go so wrong, back-ups stop happening, files going missing etc.
So, oh great computer persons out there, any ideas? I love computers. I have virtually gone paper free. I am a Mac addict, with every gismo there is (well, almost). I am not an idiot. So, what is going on? Any ideas?
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