Sunday, 10 February 2013

So Close to Disaster

You will have gathered by now that I am very fond of Molly Cat, even if I am the most useless cat owner. I have learned a lot in the last nine months, and we get on very well now. Admittedly, we haven't completely cracked the food thing (I never know what and when she will eat) and she still makes it perfectly clear that she would love to go and explore the great blue yonder. However, we are generally happy and I love her dearly.

Now, as it happens, next week is Selection Centre week, and I have to be in Loughborough from Monday to Wednesday. Last Wednesday I was contemplating this while playing with Molly, trying to make decisions about what to take, when horror descended on me. I suddenly realised that I had made no arrangements for Molly. How could this have happened? How could I have been so completely useless?

Answer came there none. I do not know why I did not realise. But the truth is, that I had to sort something out. And fast. I am lucky: both my cleaner and my other assistant were prepared to help. In the end, there will be somebody here all the time. But it is a good lesson: I must not forget that Molly Cat needs sorting out if I am going away! It isn't just holidays that need arranging. Sorry Molly!

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