Thursday 19 December 2013

Molly Cat can turn off the Computer

I can hear the guffaws, the ridicule, as people read the title. Poor lass, she's really lost it: thinks her cat is a genius and she's clearly mad. She's turned into one of those mad cat ladies.

"Not at all", I reply with dignity, "it is all perfectly understandable. Belay your scepticism. Pocket your ridicule. Listen to the facts."

The facts are as follows. My computer and all it's 'gadgets' are connected to the mains through one of those extension plugs with a surge protector. It also has a switch, so the whole thing can be switched off. This lives behind the little cabinet at the side of my computer, upon which resides a basket with all my scrap paper. It is very useful. Recently, Molly has taken to sitting in that basket and pawing at the door to my computer cupboard, which is between us. I ignore her for a while, but inevitably succumb and look around the door, tickle her chin and talk to her for a while before returning to work. A few days ago I did this, but clearly did not spend long enough with her. She made a grumbly noise, then jumped down behind the cabinet. Fortuitously (for her) she landed on the extension plug switch and everything (computer, printer, router etc.) switched off. I was mystified for  a moment, then reached down to see if the plug had got disconnected. In so doing, I lifted Molly Cat and gave her a little cuddle. BAD MISTAKE.

I don't think that would have been enough, but two days later she again jumped down behind the cabinet. Although she did not turn the switch off, the movement was enough to turn off the computer. My response was: "Molly, what are you doing? Get out of there" and to pick her up. You see the error? This was positive reinforcement. I did not realise it at the time. It was about two days later that I was ignoring her demands for attention. She jumped down. I responded as before. She has done it twice since.

i do not think this is coincidence. I think she has learned from my bad response that jumping down behind the cabinet gets her attention. I am now trying to ignore it when this happens. Anybody else have a cat who can turn off their computer?

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