Monday, 17 February 2014

Why Does My Cat Hide Behind My Computer?

Molly Cat is a character. She does what she likes, when she likes. She seems to think that my hands are a mix of scratching posts and biting points. I am sore! However, she has recently developed another quirk: she likes to disappear behind my computer screen, curl up there and snore loudly. I continue working. She does not bother me - until she stops snoring. 'Why?' I ask myself 'has she stopped snoring? Is she alright? Is she still breathing?'

Yes, I know, I'm pathetic, but do remember that I am a first time parent. Yesterday, I found myself poking her to make sure she was still alive. She was most disgruntled - and I felt totally ridiculous. But the question remains: why does she disappear behind my computer screen? It is a small space, there is nothing there except mess, e.g. BluTack, staples, CDs, post-it notes etc, and she is all but invisible. Is that the attraction? Does she like being in hiding?

I do not know. all I can tell you is that she is currently curled up on my extremely expensive computer bag looking very comfortable and totally inscrutable. I wish she would learn to speak human!

'Night All

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