Saturday, 22 February 2014

Computer Problems

This morning, I woke to find that Molly had turned off the computer again. At least, I assume it was Molly. Otherwise, I have a poltergeist.  Fact: when I went to bed the computer was working properly. Fact: when I woke up and tried to log in to my emails on my iPad, there was no WiFi. Fact: I came through to the study and the main switch to all the computer gadgets was off. PLEASE SEE PREVIOUS POST - I AM NOT MAD.  I switched it on and returned to bed. The Wifi connected, but the internet did not. I decided to abandon it for an hour.

Later, bathed, breakfasted and calm, I returned to the study. The internet would not work. I turned things on and off (I am told this is what to do). I smiled at it. I swore at it. I closed everything down and woke it all up again. Still, the WiFi was, apparently, connected, but I could not get on to the internet. My calm was shattered. I was past irritation.

I stared at the Safari page trying to load my blog. It would not do it. In a whim (no more than that, honestly, I had no idea of what I was doing) I hit the Yahoo button at the top. The computer smiled and connected. There was grinding of teeth. Clearly, for some reason I wot not of, the blog website was blocking everything. I had no idea this could happen.

So, I am now back in business, but I do not understand what happened. There must be many more like me out there, struggling to understand why something that should be simple is not. Is there somewhere I can go to learn this stuff?

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