Friday, 17 February 2012

I cannot remember ever being this ANGRY

I cannot remember ever being this 

We have just discovered, through the Health Service Journal, that the Prime Minister has called a ‘summit’ in Downing Street on Monday evening to discuss ‘the implementation of the Health and Social Care Bill’.  The guest list, we are told, is selective. There are representatives of GPs, other medical professions, nurses, the third sector and others. The list has not been published.

At first glance, this might sound reasonable to the uninitiated. It isn’t. I am so angry that I think the top of my head might blow off. Why am I so angry? For the following reasons:

1.     The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has not been invited to the summit. GPs are the doctors who are going to be most affected by the changes this Bill will bring about. They are the ones who will have to implement it on the ground. The hospital specialities will see far fewer changes. So how can anyone consider having a summit to discuss implementation, without including the RCGP? Is it possible that this might have something to do with the fact that the RCGP has been open and honest about its concerns about the Bill, and has recently called for it to be withdrawn?
2.     The other group of professionals whose work will be hugely affected by these changes are those in Public Health, yet as far as I can ascertain, the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) has not been invited either. Could this possibly have something to do with the fact that the FPH also recently called for the Bill to be withdrawn?
3.     The Bill has not yet passed through Parliament and is, indeed, facing stiff opposition. To call a summit at this stage to discuss ‘implementation’ could be construed as undemocratic. Indeed, it might show a total contempt for Parliament. I thought that was against the law.

The only good thing about this is that it smacks of total desperation. It is inconceivable that the discussions will be about implementation; this is all about saving the Bill. The Government knows that it has totally lost the arguments and that only bullyboy tactics will save them now. That gives me hope.

Nye, there are still folk left to fight for the NHS.

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