Just over a week post-op and I cannot believe how well things are going. Here I am, sitting at home, at my laptop, in a fetching Kaftan and really sexy socks [NOT - THEY ARE THE BIGGEST PROBLEM - SO HOT], with a glass of wine and a grumpy cat (don't ask!), and feeling fine. I have not needed any paracetomol all day, I have virtually regained full use of my arm, the wound is healing and stings little and intermittently, and today I went to Mass, which was lovely and made me feel very loved.
All of this is wonderful, but there is also much else to be grateful for. When I first came home, I was rushing to the computer at every possible moment. I truly had not realised how wedded I was to all my electronic gadgets. The iPhone and iPad never left my side; if I was too sore for the iMac, I used the MacBook Air; the first thing I did every morning was surf all the gadgets. Rapidly, however, it became clear that with all my work emails not coming through (for which I have to thank all my work colleagues) there was little for me to do. I tried responding to the few that came through - they were ignored.
Bereft, I turned to computer games, but my arm was too sore for long stints, and suddenly I realised that they were actually rather boring. What to do? Listlessly, I picked up one of the books from my unread book pile.
I am horrified to say that it took me two days to finish it. My reading speed has severely deteriorated. But it will get better. I am now on my third book, and have started doing what I used to do - read a different book in each room! I am happy to report that I reach for a book before a computer and it was only the thought that I had abandoned this blog for a number of days that brought me back today.
So, dear friends, being ill is not unalloyed joy, but it has some things to recommend it. I have to report that I have a silly smile on my face.
God bless you all. Please keep me in your prayers.
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