God Bless the Royal
College of Radiologists!
I was moping at my computer, depressed by the apparent lack
of response to the Faculty EGM and wondering what on earth we could all do to
start making people realise just how toxic and dangerous the Health and Social
Care Bill is when a message dropped into my inbox. A message of such
overwhelming importance and encouragement that this blog virtually wrote
itself! The news is that the Royal College of Radiologists, alone and so far
unsupported, has come out in outright opposition to the Bill. Where the rest of
the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges have caved in to the pressure apparently
brought upon them by the Secretary of State and the Department of Health, the
RCR has stood tall and said ‘we will not be cowed – this is too important’. You
can read their statement at http://www.rcr.ac.uk/docs/general/other/RCR_Special_eBulletin_Health_Bill_270112.html
Read it. Publicise it. Understand it. It says all that you
need to know about this pernicious Bill, what it will do to the NHS and to the
health of the people of this country. It is measured and evidence based and I
applaud it. That is why, today, my blog is so short. There is no more for me to
say. Except
Maybe the Surgeons need the Radiologists to tell them what's wrong.