- I'm terrified: I am well out of my comfort zone but I feel that, being as senior as I am, I ought to be able to deliver. I fear failure like nothing else, but am slightly concerned at asking for too much help. I try to remember what I would say to others in this situation, but they were different people - far more junior. I don't think it applies to me.
- I'm thrilled: My brain is engaged again - and is having some difficulty getting used to it! I cannot get enough of the challenges being thrown at me. It is so exciting being able to spend a whole afternoon discussing the best way to teach professionalism, or to realise that designing questionnaires is a new skill I need to crack in about a day. I love the challenge.
- I'm transformed: I want to get up in the morning; I want to go to work; I even want to walk from the station to the University, in the hope that I shall eventually get fit! I have reacquainted myself with my passion for learning. I think I shall do a PhD - probably in medical ethics, but maybe in something totally different, like the History of Art.
- I'm tortured: by the fact that I did not do this years ago. What a waste of time. However, it just means I have to work all the harder now to make up for lost time. Has anybody got a Time Turner?
In short, dear friends, I have no idea when I shall write again, because I am totally possessed by this new job and by the excitement of academia. However, pouring it all out to you is good, so I may write again tomorrow.
Molly says 'GOODNIGHT'. And so do I.